Thursday 10 October 2013

Gaby :)

Hello classmate!!
Today I going to tell about of my friend
I don’t like choose between the people in any sense. I have many important people in my life and is very difficult for me be in this situation.
But I need talk about of one, and in this moment I will talk of my friend Gabriela. I love so much to her. She was with me in many conflict moments in my life and she is a great person, is a star of light in the universe.
I met Gabriela the 2008 in the “Carmela Carvajal de Prat” High Scholl. I never thought that she been a good good friend. Gabriela was my classmate since 1º to 4º and suffered very when the last years of school finish fast because was a mobilize year.
We have in common very things with a pleasure for literature, poetry, the nature, the sport. And one of the things more important is our friendly is the literature because this topic was the point of completely union of our life. We chose the humanistic elective and in this course (when we were in 3º and 4º) we live the moments very beautiful that we join in every aspect.
Today she is studying laws in the Diego Portales University and I studying Anthropology. Our departments are far between him and too we live far :c I live in Quilicura and she live in Maipu. Principally for this reasons we don’t say very much, but we try see although one time in a month.

A big huge with Gabriela <3


  1. You're a very good friend and I think she's too... I hope you get more free time to see her... hugs!

  2. Dooooris very nice story, but I thought you were going to write about my jajaja


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice history. My best friend and I also living far far away, I live in La Florida and she in Maipú, but she stay a lot in my place, so we enjoy very much our time together. =)
