Saturday 19 October 2013

Care the planet

I think that the green practices and life will be very important in a short period because the planet is very contaminate and destroy :c And the only solution will be change the present habits for the green habits. And I feel that in Santiago miss much for learn and make about this.
Today the people learn the friendly practices in many spaces that exist since some time. These spaces can be fair, courses, workshops, etc. Even personality I think that internet is a great place where the people learn of this topic.
In my case I learn of green practices in the High School because my teacher of technology was a lovely of recycling and ecological life. I have the best memories of her.
I don’t incorporate much the recycling in my habits. But with my mom collect all the paper and carton that not use in the house. This thing we put out for that carry the scavenger. But in my diary life I think that I realize a great contribution.  My contribution is don’t use the car and walk much. I ever use the public transport and in short and median distances I walk.
Respect to the eco-organization I don’t joined to any because I don’t have time. And too I think that is not necessary being in an organization for help the planet and be good practices. Although no reject the possibility to be in a eco-organization in a future.
I would like do conscience in my family and learn me first. And later expand this knowledge between the people I know.
For reduce my carbon footprint I’ll fix my bicycle that have the brakes bad. And respect to the bicycle I think that all the people need one because is very good to the world because don’t produce pollution and don’t need any fuel.
The people of Santiago and of Chile in general have much for learn about of green practices that are very necessary for a good life and world :)


  1. I completely agree with your view of recycling.

  2. I think that you were very lucky to learn about the recycle with your teacher. Take adventage about your knowledge.

    Bye Doris <3

  3. Hey Universe!
    How are you doing? I hope you are okay! I think is really great that you had a teacher so cool!, teachers are very important in your formation, specially in taking consience!

  4. we have many ways to take care the environment!
    see you!! ;)
