Thursday 5 September 2013

The second semester

Hello classmate 

We start a new semester…

I think that the last semester was strange because I feel that I learned and no. I don't have good marks but I liked the class and subjects, although some teachers don't went to made class sometime....
I don't have very expectations for this term of semester, because the life give very around and nobody know the offer the future, in all aspect.
This semester I take Psychology, Introduction to Ethnography, Ethnology, Prehistory II, Investigation Workshop, Anthropology IV and Circuit training (sport). I hope that these subjects are funny, and I put much tenacity for progress in my marks and performance.
I feel a few tired, I  don't have much energy for study and read because I don't have vacations, in no sense, and I think that the people need a days of vacations for start a new stage, in this case the second semester.
I consider relevant have some class in the new classroom, because are more spacious, have many modern implements and are fresh.

And the other relevant thing is that this is the last semester in common plan of the career, and the next year I don't have more class together and separates for mentions.

I only hope that this semester are good :)


  1. I also need a vacation, I hope you have a good semester: D

  2. Doris! You have a love for do sport. I like it, i wish do circuit trainning with you, because i struggle for a summer without T-shirt jajajaja.
    Good luck in this semester!

  3. Doris i give you all the positives energies of the life. I give you all the powers of the universe for your life and for this semester. You are a great person, and you deserve all the things of the world.
