Thursday 2 May 2013

Mamani and culture...

The expert that I admire is Roberto Mamani Mamani. He is a Bolivian artist born 6 of December of 1962. 
Mamani, since 1983 realized more of 58 expositions in the world. His work to deserve many awards and distinctions national and international.

But...Why I agree his work and admire it? Because he's a autodidact artist that developed his art form of the vision and sentiments of his nation, and this he expressing in his work through to the colors, textures, iconography, etc. He express the origin, the custom, the world view, the manner of life, of the persons of Latin America, and specific of the Andean area. He expressing the past and present of the ours culture in his art.

It is much related with the Anthropology because the art that he make is like a ethnography, because he's of born Quechua and family Aymara, and for this, he live and live together with this culture and know more of them, because he also belong to them. And this form his realize his works show the essence of the cultures to the world.


  1. Hi! mamani mamani...? mmm ahh! archeologist? yes yes haha i didn't like his book.

  2. that's interesting!! i don't knew of mamani mamani was a artist, always thought that him was a anthropologist xD
