Friday 26 April 2013

"Los Kjarkas"

One of my favorite bands of music is "Los Kjarkas".
This is an Andean music group originally from Bolivia. It was founded in 1965 in Capinota, Cochabamba, by brothers Hermosa: Wilson, Castel and Gonzalo, more Edgar Villarroel. Set name comes from the word "Kharka" southern Quechua, meaning "fear or suspicion". or alternatively "trembling".

The kjarkas are world renowned and recognized for their music and the work undertaken to expand the rhythms and sounds of his country, Bolivia. I like a lot of their sounds, the melody of the flute, charango, and lyrics that speak of love, of life, of nature.
One of my favorite songs is "el último amanecer" (is a Toba). This song speaks of the damage man does to the world, and the possible consequences that might have this in the future.
What's great is that I could go see in her 40s, gave a concert in the theater Caupolicán. They are very good!


  1. I never head about Los Kjarkas, but i really like it this beats. Make me happy :).

  2. i like to very much the kjarkas :D, they was one of the firsts group that i heard in my infancy
