Thursday 16 May 2013

My cellphone

My favorite piece of technology is my cellphone. This cellphone is a samsung gt m2520, is a few old, but is the best cellphone that I have. I got this object the 2010, I bought because I don't was cellphone because I destroy that I was. When I looked, I loved it, because was smaller and have memory for be able to download much music. And since this day, I don't separate to him. 

Principally I use for call to my close persons and my family, but I use too for listen much music. I use cellphone every day, because I live far to the university and I get bored in the route, and the music make a route very very funny. I like much my cellphone because, apart to have very music ,him have buttons. This is very important for my because I don't have use touch cellphone, them I put nervous and I pressure every item...For this I love and care my cellphone and I don't change   for other.
I wait have this cellphone for much time more, because my life without would very sad now that I accustomed to him. But I now that things don't be forever, and I know that someday I will need change my cellphone.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Anime :D


I know the anime that you write! 

When I have 6-7 years aprox., in the Chilean tv showed Marco. I remember that I saw, every afternoon, when I arrived to the school, the anime with my brothers, and we excited with the adventures and misfortune of Marco. This anime was very important in my infancy, but, the story is very emotive and teached me to appreciate and lovely much to my mother and my family.
I watched much anime in my infancy, because in the Chilevision channel showed a program called "El club de los tigritos". In this program showed very anime, all the afternoon, and that was wonderful. I remember names of series like a "detective Conan", "Ranma 1/2", "Digimon", "Inuyasha", "Sakura card captor", etc.
But the anime that I love is Sailor moon. This is a manga made by Naoko Takeuchi and the first edition was made 6 of July of 1992, and the anime was made by  Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Ikuhara and Takuya Igarashi; and the first transmission of anime was the 7 of March of 1992, almost parallel to the editions to the manga. The story start relate  the events that happen  to  Usaqi Tsukino, a young girl with a normal life. All begin when she talk with a cat whit a mark of quarter moon in your forehead. In this moment, Usaqi understand that her his destined to turn into a Sailor Senshi, a fighter that combat for the love and justice. 
I love this story, I love watch it, and I want be a Sailor Senshi.
Now, I don't watch much anime, because I don't have anytime, but I have beautiful memories thank to them. 
Respect to the soundtracks, I like it very much, because its are very funny. This are more known with opening.
The first anime I saw was Doraemon, I love it very much, because it enjoy me every days in my infancy. 


Thursday 2 May 2013

Mamani and culture...

The expert that I admire is Roberto Mamani Mamani. He is a Bolivian artist born 6 of December of 1962. 
Mamani, since 1983 realized more of 58 expositions in the world. His work to deserve many awards and distinctions national and international.

But...Why I agree his work and admire it? Because he's a autodidact artist that developed his art form of the vision and sentiments of his nation, and this he expressing in his work through to the colors, textures, iconography, etc. He express the origin, the custom, the world view, the manner of life, of the persons of Latin America, and specific of the Andean area. He expressing the past and present of the ours culture in his art.

It is much related with the Anthropology because the art that he make is like a ethnography, because he's of born Quechua and family Aymara, and for this, he live and live together with this culture and know more of them, because he also belong to them. And this form his realize his works show the essence of the cultures to the world.