Thursday 12 December 2013


Hello classmate!!
Today I’m going to talking about of the best gig that I see this year. But I don’t choose one because I feel that the two that I see this year was great.

The first group really I see more of one time. This is the band “Yatiris” that in Aymara mean “wise man”. Is a big group of music that plays many instruments that usually use the bronze band. Bronze is a designation for mention to the group that use instruments of percussion and wind that is make with metal. Some of these instruments are the trumpet, the bass drum, the tuba, etc.
The first time that I saw this group was in Quilicura because they went to take to the plaza. I went with my friends.
Later I had the opportunity of dance with they because my group make contract whit the band for dance the Bolivian day that was celebrate in the plaza of Santiago.
I think that Yatiris is great!! I recommend go to a carnival or local when they play. This band plays principally in Santiago.

The other band that I saw this year is the “Banda Conmoción”. I like so much this group! Is a few similar to Yatiris, because too use instruments to the bronze band. But “Banda Conmoción” include others instruments. And too sing, thing that Yatiris don’t make.
I saw this group in Quilicura too, in the event that the municipality organizes for the “18”. I went with my sister and in the place I found with my friends too.

Really like me the bronze bands because I feel that this transmit very strength and happiness. And too the presentation can be in the street, in al plaza, in a local, etc. 

I recommend this bands!! 

"Banda Conmoción"

Thursday 5 December 2013

Different test

Hello classmate!

I found well that in class reinforced the part of comprehension and listening. I did to different forms the different parts of the test. In the reading parts I searched the word that I don’t know or I don’t remember very well in and after I put the word in the context of the phrase or paragraph. Later I read other time for understand more. In the listening part I listened the conversation or description and when I understand I check in the moment. But when I don’t understand so much I listened other time the dialog or description.

I hope that you have a good weekend (:


Thursday 28 November 2013

Free Post!! eh eh eh!!


Today I’m going to talk about of two things that maybe don’t have any relation but like me so much.  Really are two places of Chile. These places are Arica and the X region.
Arica is a beautiful city that I could know this year. I love this place because all years in the summer the people make an Andean carnival that go on three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). The people dance for large distances, the tour is approximately of two kilometer. The principal dances are “Caporal”, “Tinku”, “Tobas”,“Morenada”. I went to dance caporal this year with the group “Caporales Sangre Andina” and was a very good experience. I hope go this summer to see the Carnival and in 2015 I would like me to go dance “Tobas” in the group “Tobas Jaguares Sajama”.
The other place, the X region, is very special for me because I go almost all years in summer holidays and I have good remembers of this. I love the south, the peace, the green, the air, the people, the water…And really I love every because in this place I found many things that Santiago don’t have. I like me walk in the south and no hear the cars and horns. And too I’m very happy visiting my family, because the majority live here.
I hope can go this summer holidays at the two places. I don’t know very well how I do it this, but I have all the intention. The important is that I need be in Arica before of the February 14 because this day starts the Carnival.

Bye classmate (: 

                                                                     Carnival of Arica
                                                                      Puyehue lake

Friday 22 November 2013

"31 Minutos"

A TV programme that I enjoyed watching when I was child is “31 minutos”. This was a great programme when I was child. Was a programme make only with puppet of all types (plush toys, dolls, etc). Principally “31 minutos” imitated to a news pogramme. These puppets live different experiences. With these experiences the people learned much for the life. And have a conscience and opinions more critics of the things.
 Some of these puppets are Tulio Triviño, Patana, Juan Carlos Bodoque, Mario Hugo, etc. This programme is trasmited in TVN. Well, I watched this programme when I was 8 or 10 years, I don’t remember so much. And I remember that with my sister and bothers waited the episode all the week. Because was trasmited one time for week, specifically the Saturday in the morning.
 This programme enjoyed me so much because I learned very things with this, like care the environment, know like operate the things, etc. In addition, ever were songs in the final of episode. This space was called “ranking top” and was directed for Policarpio Avendaño. Even today I remember the songs, like “El dinosaurio Anacleto” or “Doggie Style”, and today even I love they n.n Other important thing is that today TVN even transmit episodes of this programme, the Saturday and Sunday in the morning (I don’t remember exactly the days).

 I recommend this programme!!

 Bye (:

Friday 15 November 2013

The ways of the life

Hi classmate (: In the life the people do many things, but not all that they wish. Although of this, I’m very grateful that the good opportunities, experiences and things that the life give me. The things more important that happened in my life are the birth of my sister and brothers, and travel to Arica to dance in the Andean Carnival with the strength of the sun. Respect to the situations that did not go well, I feel that my time in the high school was complicate. I had that go to study to Providencia (I live in Quilicura) and the travel tired me so much. And too the system of study was very different, was more difficult and exigent in comparison with my anterior school. My great achievement of this year was going to Arica. In this city I was very happy because I could dance son much and know very different types of dace. In general I enriched me of much culture. The things I did not do were principally say to much people that I love they. I was very shy (and even be) and cost me express the things and emotions. The thing that I have not done yet, I feel that one of things that I would make are travel to Bolivia, and in the future live in the south of Chile. Today, this year I need join money to the vacations and too I need pass all the signatures jajaajja I would highlight the fact of be in anthropology, because I been know great persons. Bye bye (:

Thursday 7 November 2013


Sergio Roberto Livinsgtone Pohlhammer 1920-2012

Sergio “Sapito” Livinsgtone was a great soccer player of a Chilean football. He was a goalkeeper of the “Universidad Católica”.Personally I feel that he is one of the best of the history of Chilean soccer. He started the way in the football to the 15 years old in the “Unión Española” Club, but in this club he practically doesn’t played. He abandons the soccer and entered to study Law in the “Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile”. In this university returned to play football in the team of this house of study and for the rest of us life he loved at the “Universidad Católica” club. He started played in this club the year 1938 until 1942. But in 1943 he went played at the Racing Club in Argentina. He was only one season in this club because he wished return to “Universidad Católica” club and he did this. Since he came back to the club, never more leave. He ever showed to the best values in the soccer field and in the life. Finally he retracted to the football in 1957 in the club of us lovers “Universidad Católica”. Later he worked in sports programs in C13 and TVN. In the last channel he worked the rest of us life. The person is more important because was a great contribution for the sports journalism and for the national and international football.

If I would know, I question her ¿Because you loved (and love even I think c:) to the “Universidad Católica” Club?

And don’t know, only would gave a great hug!!


Thursday 24 October 2013

My pretty pets

Hello :)

I have two pets, a cat and a dog. My sister got a cat in a pet shop, but she didn’t buy the animal. She got the pet because in this pet shop was give cats recently born because the owner was impeded of maintain. She carried the cat in a box from the center to the house.

The dog has a different story… where I live, the people ever abandon the animals and this roam for the villa :c And a one day, seven years ago one of this animals suffered an accident. And this is my dog today. The dog was run over for a car that passed for the passage and my neighbor and my mom were to help him.

My dog is very little. He don’t is of breed, is a mixture but this never been important to me and my family because we love the dog and he is very lovely with us. Too is very important in my family because he care the house, bark ever when see a stranger person pass or prowl.My cat is different, he disappear ever jajajaaj only go to the house when need food and shelter. But although I considerate the cat part of the family.I give to my pet food, care and affection principally when I’m in my house.

I considerate that the pet is a very important part in the life because with this exist a mutual relation of love and positive energies.


The cat is "Lalo"

The dog is "Master"